Beat the lockdown with DIY 360 Virtual Tours

Beat the lockdown with DIY 360 Virtual Tours


Beat the lockdown

Remove property access issues.

Keep your team and customers safe with 360 virtual tours for real estate and property management.

Rent or sell sight unseen.

Open house 24/7.

Don’t be left behind, it’s never to late !!!  More than 500 agencies in Australia trusted us in 1st, 2nd and 3rd lockdown.

Turn your iPhone into a 360 camera for close to nothing ! We can get you set up and trained in 3 days !

Tom and VTC team are here to help !


Virtual Tours Creator. How are you going? This is our first live stream. So, please excuse me. If something is not working, I hope this is going to, first of all, Facebook, YouTube, and maybe other channels. Look, we are back in an unfortunate situation and I want you to know that we are here to help. It’s not only for New South Wales, it’s for the whole country.

Beat the lockdown, okay? Keep your team safe, keep your customers safe, and keep your business going. Let me see if anyone is watching, and comment. Let us know if you can hear us wherever you are. I hope there’s gonna be a few of our customers watching across Australia and New Zealand. If you can hear me or if you can see us, please share this with any of your friends and family or your mates in real estate to help them to go through this lockdown again, okay?

We’ve done it once, twice, three times. First lockdown, second lockdown, first lockdown. Don’t be left behind, okay? There is a solution. Virtual reality tours, guys, you can do it yourself. You can now even turn your iPhone into a 360 camera and do those two yourself. First street of $5, okay? We will teach you, and we can get you going as quickly as in three days, Australia Express Postage will send the sets to you and we’ll provide you with complete training and we can get you going within 4 hours, okay?

All you need to do is watch a few 5 to 5 minute training videos. And then you gotta do one-on-one with me live over the phone and I’ll explain everything. Now, you might ask yourself, how are we gonna do it? So please, I know you might say, in some cases, it’s too late because we are in a lockdown and we can’t go to the properties, or I know you can’t, but we’ve been there before.

There was a first lockdown, and you couldn’t, there was a second lockdown and you couldn’t, okay, let’s now take the time to see how you can digitalize your business and how you can make yourself lockdown-proof. Okay? We’ve done it in Melbourne in the first lockdown, the ones that didn’t make it before the first lockdown signed up and got the 360 cameras, all the VTCs set to turn the iPhones into 360 cameras, and they were ready for the second lockdown. Okay? 

They’ve been renting property sites and scenes. They’ve been selling property, signs, sites, and scenes. They’ve been after the lockdowns. They have been doing reporting, they’ve been using this for marketing. Look, there are so many ways you can use virtual tours in your business that it’s even hard to describe in such a short live video.

But just to tell, you how you can do it, you can now get yourself a VTC 360 set, which is made out of a device that’s gonna spin your phone around and it’s gonna allow you to take 360 photos us and a special lens that you’re gonna clip on your phone. So all you need is an iPhone. It only works with iPhones.

So guys, before you buy anything, you can ask us live. You can ask us questions on our website. You put your iPhone in here, you download the VTC, Virtual Tours Creator App, and then you can just pop the lens on your phone. And this is gonna make your phone spin around and take a perfect 360 photo. It’s gonna take eight photos in 8K. The quality of that is amazing. The quality of the iPhone for us using the VTC 360 app is better than any 360 camera below $1,000. So it’s not that, you know, phone virtual tours are lesser than anything else. This is professional photography quality, just even the photographer was on your property.

It should in HDR, which means there’s gonna be no blowout windows. Okay? So if you have never seen a virtual tour, let me show you what it’s gonna look like. It’s gonna look just like this. See, this is a living room. This is shot on when iPhone 10, iPhone 11, and iPhone 12. That’s even going to get better, even iPhone 8. You can do that. Yeah. And then, so you shoot one photo in one room, it takes 30 seconds, then you take another one, huh? Sorry, let’s go to the balcony. It’s gonna take you to the balcony. You can take those photos anywhere, okay? And this is gonna help you with having a 24/7 open house. Nobody’s gonna restrict you from going there.

You send the links to your tenants to your buyers. We have agents across Australia, New South Wales, and Victoria. Anyway, Queensland, um, wa even in nt. And they have been successfully renting properties over COVID. We’ve been winning listings with virtual tours. How different are you from the guy next door? This is one of the best tools in your marketing package that’s gonna allow you to stand out from the crowd.

So don’t hesitate anymore. Use the advantage that you can have and give us a call. Send us a message, text us, check out the website, and check out our Google reviews and Facebook reviews. This is the best that we have from our customers. You don’t have to trust me. You can trust over 500 agencies that are using us across Australia.

And they have been using us before COVID, during COVID, and now after the lockdowns. So guys, if you are in New South Wales, please make sure you share it with your friends who never heard about us. DIY virtual tours for as little as $7 per property. You can do it yourself. We will teach you how to do it. Please take this time to think about your marketing strategy. You probably heard many people in the industry, and many mentors that you need to digitalize, and virtual tours will help you with that. And don’t worry about thinking that it’s too difficult. It’s not, it’s not expensive, and it’s not difficult. It’s easy. And we’ll make it easy for you. We’re gonna hold your hand throughout the whole process. I’m gonna train you one-on-one. This is our special at the end of the financial year. And look, I’m not saying it’s a good time because it’s never a good time for a lockdown, but it’s the end of the financial year. Why don’t you just invest the money you need into virtual tour technology? Okay?

Let us know if you have any questions. I’m here waiting for you guys at au. That’s where you’re gonna find all the answers. Says, easy as ordering the VTC 360 set with a tripod. Cause you might need you must have a tripod to put the phone in the middle of every room. If you do have your own tripod, of course, just order the set without the tripod.

But if you don’t, you must have those three things, an iPhone, a tripod, and the VTC set that will allow you to turn your iPhone into a 360 camera. Obviously. Also, if you have 360 cameras that you have never used before or you don’t know how to use them, give us a call and I’ll get you trained to have videos of most of the 360 cameras or how to do it. The training is provided with our service. Okay, I think that’s enough for now. Thank you very much for watching, guys. And I’m gonna say goodbye if I can figure out how to turn it off. See ya. Bye.




DIY virtual tours for real estate

How to make a virtual tour?

Virtual Tours Creator is the only software in the whole wide world that will teach you ONE ON ONE how to do the 360 tours. We will hold your hand throughout the whole process. From buying the proper camera, through taking your first 360 photos, uploading them to a vr tour, teaching you how to properly position the camera around the property to publishing it. Not like all other providers who only offer to tak your money for the subscription :). KEEP THAT IN MIND.

Of course, 360 camera or the VTC 360 set is essential, so you must buy it. It is a modern device, but easy to use. All you have to do is put it on a tripod  in the center of the room and set it via mobile app. After a few seconds panoramic photo is ready, so you can take the camera to the other place. Whole process should not take more than 10 to 20 minutes (depending on the size of property), so you can save a lot of time.

Virtual Tours Creator is a perfect solution for real estate sellers who want to be up to date with client’s needs. Using this platform is very cost effective and competitive but the quality of finished vr tour is excellent and is praised by clients. If you use this technology properly, especially now, you will start picking up clients in no time. You can sell with 360 virtual tours in less than two weeks and easily get new listings, significantly increasing your earnings. At this moment in time there is not that many other agencies that are offering 360 tours, so it is a competitive edge, which helps to stand out from the competition.

What are you waiting for? Buy the 360 camera and, register for free at​, make photos and get new clients – as simple is that! The value you will get from new commissions, property managements, listings, and the promotion will be beyond your expectation. On top of that, you will spend a lot less on it than if you ordered a professional implementation.

Rent or sell sight unseen, win more listings, and stand out of your competition. Present your offers in most effective and easiest, affordable way. Use online software to create unique virtual tours in under 15 minutes for less than $3!