How to Use HotSpots to Connect Panoramas?

How to Use HotSpots to Connect Panoramas


How to Use HotSpots to Connect Panoramas?

Your virtual tour will just be a group of panoramas if you don’t connect them together.

Connect your rooms/panoramas by using “hotspots” to allow moving between rooms/locations.

A hotspot is a button that allows you to move between rooms/panoramas/scenes and to join them into a combined virtual tour. You can also add extra information about the property by using the info buttons.

To create a Hotspot (connect your locations) simply:

  1. “right-click” your mouse in the place where you want to make a connection between 2 panoramas. For example door, window or a gate that will take you to the next location.
  2. Click on option “CREATE HOTSPOT” to choose the panorama you will connect to (for example the corridor)
  3. Once you have the hotspot set up, click on in and it will take you the the next panorama
  4. Keep adding hotspots all your panoramas until your tour is ready.
  5. Remember to create hotspots to go back to where you started.
  6. Set one panorama as the start of your tour – right click and choose SET AS START PANORAMA
  7. In each panorama SET START VIEW – this will open the panorama looking in the direction you choose