5 reasons why virtual tours are a must for your marketing plan in real estate this year

5 reasons why virtual tours are a must for your marketing plan in real estate this year



Until December 2020 you might have been one of the most successful agents in your area and you had your the best marketing campaigns ever. There was no need for any improvement…. or was there?

Then COVID hit and the whole real estate industry had to change overnight.. Due to social distancing, travel restrictions or fear of catching the bug, your open houses and weekend walkthroughs and in person meetings with buyers or tenants finished forever !

Thousands of agents and property managers were taken by surprise and couldn’t sell or rent anything anymore. The business model you were running was gone forever. The only new way of making it all possible are 360 Virtual Tours that allow anyone to inspect the property wherever and whenever they want.

When the pandemic hit Virtual Tours Creator was already in the top 5 international virtual tours providers and our current customers were calmly selling or renting sight unseen. They didn’t have to change anything as they were ready. They have already digitalized their offer. Imagine showing your customers a tour like this , when your competition can’t even leave their home !

You can now create virtual tours yourself . Virtual Tours Creator has made them Easy, Fast and Affordable. You can create a 3 bedroom house 360 tour as fast as in 15 min for as little as $2 per property.


5 reasons why virtual tours are a must for your marketing plan in real estate this year:

1. 360 virtual tours make it safe for you, your team and your customers during the global pandemic

Open houses are for many agents and more importantly for buyers a waste of time spent on traveling back and forth to properties that buyers are not really interested in. VR tours help save time to both parties and allow Agents to get more qualified buyers.

It eliminates the face to face contact when presenting the house. Agents can conduct virtual inspections with customers on any device in the comfort of their own house without the need to travel. This brought safety to both parties in the face of a global pandemic in 2020 and allowed many businesses to thrive when a total lockdown was enforced. Our customers were selling properties sight unseen all across the World. Keep your staff and customers safe by avoiding face to face contact.



2. VR tours help your brand stand out in the DIGITAL world and WIN new listings!

How many times you ask yourself how to outrun your competition? 360 Virtual Tours will make you stand out from the crowd and every landlord or seller will choose you rather than you competitor who offers the old fashioned photos only package…

Having a virtual tour made can cost between $150-$600  and it may take up to 7 days before the vr provider can turn up to create the tour. Not many agents have the budgets to use such technology at such cost, nor the time to wait for a photographer to turn up depending on the property access availability.

Being able to offer a VR tour in the Marketing package for FREE is a huge advantage over any competitor. Moreover being able to impress vendors and do the tour on the spot can in many cases Win the listing to an agent.

VTC allows creation of 360 tours by an agent without the need of outsourcing it to expensive photographers and lengthy delivery times. Do not be dependent on anyone, create the tours yourself when and where you want :).

It is unique as it uses 360 photos that allow better understanding the of property layout.


Did you know that according to REA listings with vr tours have 487% more engagement than the ones with photos? This says it all !!!



3. 360 vr tours allow you to save time by pre-qualifying buyers and tenants

There are many tenants on the market that often look only for opportunities and therefore are not really committed. You can weed them out by presenting the virtual tours of properties online before you plan an open house.

You won’t have to worry about the tire kickers and next door neighbours.

During COVID tenants tend to rent or even buy properties site unseen… we have testimonials to prove that. Check out our reviews on Google

4. Tours allow you to have a 24/7 open house

How many people can you run through an open house over the weekend? 20, 30 or 60 ? During COVID you might have 0 . Our customers track their vr tours visits and will tell you that they can even have 400 people looking at the tour in 3 days…. where can you do that ?

Agents get more qualified buyers before they even come to the open house. Every buyer is able to make informed decisions on buying a home from the comfort of their own house where and when they want. You have an open house 24/7 available to anyone and anywhere.

ONLY a virtual tour allows you to work when you are not working.  Even better, clients can view it without bothering you whenever they want.

5. They help your business restructure and give sales agents or property managers the time back to do what they should be doing in the first place

No matter how you operate, prepping properties for advertisement can be time consuming. From when you first launch a new property, to finding the right buyer or tenant to work with, it is very common to be inundated with enquiry. A virtual tour can help you segregate the serious clients from the curious.


What else can a virtual tour be used on?

By using a 360 camera, you can cover every corner of a house and it should only take about 15 minutes to shoot. Plus an additional 5  minutes to set up using Virtual Tours Creator’s system.

Here at Virtual Tours Creator we will hold your hand in the process of learning how to take 360 photos and creating an interactive 360 virtual tour. We will teach you how to create perfect 360 tours in one day !

You can also use virtual tours for:

  • assisting sales agents with generating appraisals,
  • assisting suppliers with quoting for repairs,
  • as a tool in your entry and exit process.

Keep in mind that these are just some of the benefits virtual touring can bring to your business.


DIY virtual tours for real estate

How to make a virtual tour?

Virtual Tours Creator is the only software in the whole wide world that will teach you ONE ON ONE how to do the 360 tours. We will hold your hand throughout the whole process. From buying the proper camera, through taking your first 360 photos, uploading them to a vr tour, teaching you how to properly position the camera around the property to publishing it. Not like all other providers who only offer to tak your money for the subscription :). KEEP THAT IN MIND.

Of course, 360 camera or the VTC 360 set is essential, so you must buy it. It is a modern device, but easy to use. All you have to do is put it on a tripod  in the center of the room and set it via mobile app. After a few seconds panoramic photo is ready, so you can take the camera to the other place. Whole process should not take more than 10 to 20 minutes (depending on the size of property), so you can save a lot of time.

Virtual Tours Creator is a perfect solution for real estate sellers who want to be up to date with client’s needs. Using this platform is very cost effective and competitive but the quality of finished vr tour is excellent and is praised by clients. If you use this technology properly, especially now, you will start picking up clients in no time. You can sell with 360 virtual tours in less than two weeks and easily get new listings, significantly increasing your earnings. At this moment in time there is not that many other agencies that are offering 360 tours, so it is a competitive edge, which helps to stand out from the competition.

What are you waiting for? Buy the 360 camera and, register for free at virtualtourscreator.com.au​, make photos and get new clients – as simple is that! The value you will get from new commissions, property managements, listings, and the promotion will be beyond your expectation. On top of that, you will spend a lot less on it than if you ordered a professional implementation.

Rent or sell sight unseen, win more listings, and stand out of your competition. Present your offers in most effective and easiest, affordable way. Use online software to create unique virtual tours in under 15 minutes for less than $3!


-Thank you for finding us. There are many industries during COVID that have no option of operating. Real estate does. It’s the virtual reality tours that are the closest to in-person inspections. Just in the last 2 months, we’ve helped more than 500 agencies to enter the world of VR. Open houses, in-person visits, in many cases, are not an option anymore. Hundreds of leading agencies have taken the virtual tours on board already and have now 24/7 open houses online. They can run more than 400 people through a house over the weekend, instead of 20.

According to realestate.com.au, the listings with virtual reality tours have 490% higher engagement than the listings with simple photos or videos. The average time spent on a listing with virtual tour is 2 1/2 minutes. Imagine having all those eyeballs, just for your listing. We know from our customers that, one, the buyers and tenants are a bit afraid of open houses or simply they don’t have time and they don’t want to go to the open houses.

Secondly, they are now asking for virtual reality tours prior to coming to an open house. You must digitalize your offer. Our customers are telling us they’re beating the competition, hands down, winning every listing, winning new managements, renting property sight unseen, and saving money. We get thank you emails every day, and we are very happy we can help you guys in those difficult times.

Please read the reviews below, watch a few tutorials from real estate agents to understand who we are. Why VTC? Because we’re gonna hold your hand throughout the whole process. We have helped so many agents already.

The software is so easy that you’re gonna create a virtual tour in 5 to 10 minutes. We will also monitor your tours, and if you make any mistakes, we’ll send you reports. We have thousands of users who keep their business going, who make sure their staff is safe and they are making money. This technology is here to stay. Don’t be left behind. Stay on top. Let us help you. Register below for free and see how easy it is to create your own virtual reality tours for real estate.